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Changes in Equity, HAVFISK ASA Group

NOK millionNotePaid-in capitalHedging and other reservesTotal translation and other reservesRetained earningsTotal reserves and retained earningsTotal equityMinority interestsTotal equity
Balance as of 01 January 201418783(25)(25)(47)(72)7104714
Profit for the year    1951951951197
Other profit elements (see below)  (34)(34) (34)(34)-(34)
Comprehensive income  (34)(34)1951621621163
Dividends       (1)(1)
Balance as of 31 December 201418783(59)(59)148898724876
Profit for the year    1711711712173
Other profit elements (see below)  -- ----
Comprehensive income        173
Dividends17   (64)(64)(64) (64)
Balance as of 31 December 201518783(59)(59)2551979806986
Hedging and other reserves
The hedging reserve applies to so-called cash flow hedging transactions entered into to hedge against changes in income and expenses as a result of changes in interest rates and oil prices. Changes in the present value of hedging agreements that mature in the future are recognised in comprehensive income under changes in fair value of cash flow hedges. The contra entry is hedging and other reserves under equity.
NOK million  Translation differences Fair value reserves Hedging reserves Total translation and other reserves Retained equity Total Minority interests Total equity
Change in fair value of cash flow hedges   (31)(31)-(31)-(31)
Actuarial gains and losses in pension schemes  (2) (2)-(2)-(2)
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 2014 -(2)(31)(34)-(34)-(34)
NOK million  Translation differences Fair value reserves Hedging reserves Total translation and other reserves Retained equity Total Minority interests Total equity
Change in fair value of cash flow hedges   11-1-1
Actuarial gains and losses in pension schemes  (1) (1)-(1)-(1)
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 2015 -(1)1-----
Hedging 2014      
      Balance as of January 1.Changes in fair valueBalance as of 42735
NOK million         
Currency hedging reserve in HAVFISK      (28)(21)(49)
Interest rate hedging in HAVFISK      5(22)(17)
Bunker hedging in HAVFISK      61218
Provision for deferred tax      (17)(31)(48)
Total entered against comprehensive income and equity         
Hedging 2015      Balance as of January 1.Changes in fair valueBalance as of 42735
NOK million      (49)9(40)
Currency hedging reserve in HAVFISK      (17)(8)(24)
Interest rate hedging in HAVFISK      18- 17
Bunker hedging in HAVFISK      (48)1(47)

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